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    Fund Data Submission

    The fund data portion of the site is temporarily down for site maintenance. This portion of the site will return online tomorrow.

    To submit information about your company and funds to Real Asset Portfolio Management for review, please register below with your company contact information. Upon approval a password will be sent within 48 hours to the email address that you used to sign up. Once you receive your login credentials you can sign in on the right.

    We recommend that you have your PPM or current marketing book on the fund you are submitting accessible as this will aid in completing the questionnaire. Once you begin adding a fund, the questionnaire auto-saves allowing you to logout and return to edit your fund if needed. It’s only final when you click ‘Submit’ at the end of the questionnaire.

    For those interested in reviewing the questionnaire prior to submitting an actual Fund, simply enter a ‘test fund’ and do not submit it at the end. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Davies at, or call us at 503-624-9910, ext 4.

    Register Here

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